Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Blog baru, Ibu Nurul, dan tugas makalahnya...

So...New blog..
Only made it because my lecturer told me to...
Pernah punya satu dulu, tapi kayaknya udah ilang kemana-mana deh..
ampe dicari di Google udah raib aja...
Don't think it will survive for a long time, though...kekeke...
But for this semester, I'll try to keep it up...

right..when people start blogging, they tell about their life first..
but I really doubt that there's any part of my life interesting enough to be read by anybody...
Let's try it..

I'm Shinta Lee..
Absolutely a girl-or half baked-woman, perhaps-..
definitely old enough to watch porn...
and I'm at college...
okay, one interesting part..
I love Korean Pop...and there's this Korean Girl Band called Girls' Generation I love much enough to get me wasted all my time on them..
what else? I can't tell..

Shoot, I don't heart blogging...